by yvonnie

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Self-introduction and work sample

Published Jan 8, 2013 in Business & Management
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Presentation Slides & Transcript

Presentation Slides & Transcript

YUN CHENG ÔÕYunÕÕ means sunshine in Chinese I hope to make everyone happy, so I become humorous I am strong, because I experienced failure and got over it I believe If only I try my best to do works, any result is worthy

! What do I like ? MUSIC Soul, R&B, Blues, British rock, Pop SPORTS Biking, Badminton, Aerobic, Walking, Swimming, River Trekking BOOK A Year in the Merde , Running with Scissors, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo ACTOR Catherine Blanchett , Scarlett Johansson, John Depp

What do I have ? PASSION I enjoy talking with consumers and asking them questions. I am curious about their behaviors and desires. ABILITY I am a good listener and planner. I always analyze and organize things well, and provide thoughtful thoughts. DETERMINATION I studied and worked in marketing field. I devoted myself to the works and took them very seriously. I believe no pain no gain. KNOWLEDGE Everyday, I spend an hour to read global marketing and new technology news. I often browse on YouTube so that I can know popular topics.

What did I do? Target Audience Analysis ¥ Digitally Focused Brand Analysis ¥ Discussion Guide Segmentation Study ¥ Creative Brief ¥ Brand Situation Analysis Media Plan ¥ Competitive Analysis ¥ Creative Thinking project STOW Analysis ¥ Brand Extension ¥ Visual Storytelling (video)

Supermarket Advertising - Axe body spray Yun Cheng, 2012/4/ 4 Although Axe is currently using online, print, video and social channels to catch young males, advertising at supermarket s can be a supplement to support Axe Õs current media channels . I n - store advertising will remind consumers of the brand effectiveness and stimulate people w ho are already in a spending mindset to add one more item to their shopping car t s . Because of its potential to reach consumers who can immediately make a purchase, I recommend that Ax e pursue in - store advertising. In the following paragraphs , I provide three support points, based on Simm ons data from Axe Õs current purchasers, to s uppor t my recommendation. Anarchy is the most recently product that Axe launched and marketed towards both males and females. However, a fter looking at Simm ons data , I found out only 6% of Axe users are women , the rest of them are men, especially young man, whose ages range from 18 - 44. M ore over , AxeÕs primary buyers are female , whose ages range from 25 to 54 , and probably are moms and wives . This is also true for many of AxeÕs competitors. In 2011, Old Spice launched a series of commercial s that appeal ed to women rather than men. These commercials remind us that while men are the users of Old SpiceÕ s body spray s , women play a key role in influencing their significant others Õ decision s, and in the case of moms , are often the decision - maker when purchasing mal e body spray. This information presents an opportunity to advertise in supermarket s because women, especially moms , represent the biggest population of shoppers at supermarkets. According to Simmons, 52% of current Axe buyers frequently make spur - of - the - moment purchases. This suggests that in - store advertising can reach AxeÕs core target successfully . AxeÕs competitive pricing (body spray costs 5 dollars or less) makes impulse b uys even easier, as decisions require little complex thinking . Current in - store advertising at supermarkets includes brands such as Coca - Cola, Snapple, Pepsi an d more. These brands also feature friendly prices, further indicating that in - store advertisin g combined with competitive pricing become a powerful driver of impulse purchases. Axe Õs current buyers are more likely to spend a significant amount of time browsing in stores; in fact, 38% indicated that when they go to supermarket s , they have the patience to look around and read the advertising . T hey are treasure hunters , looking for novelty an d variety . I n - store advertising takes part in their hunting game and c reates a conversation with them in the moment that will make them feel more empowered when mak ing purchase decision s . Therefore, to support Axe Õs current use of various media channels , the brand should also advertise at supermarkets to attract attentio n and drive impulse purchases among its core purchase r s, women ages 25 to 45 .

Creative Brief - Nosis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reative Brief - Nosis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

LIVE GREEN Yun Cheng, 5/5/2012

Green Mission Reduce/Reuse/Recycle Alternative Energy Green Building Organics Core values Care About Communities & Environment Sell the Highest Quality Natural and Organic Products

Organic Foods Hybrid Cars Non-toxic Cleaners Energy-efficient Lighting Sustainable Furniture 54% of Americans consider green factors in the next furniture purchase Live Green

Features of Green Furniture Sustainable Materials rescue rain forests, global warming... Reclaimed & Salvaged Materials furniture longevity & reducing trash Localization save fuel & have relevance to community Few/No Toxins healthy aspect

Material Recovery Over one third of abandoned wood can reuse s

Workshops Refurbishment

We want to be involved in the products that we care about. This enables people to rediscover the value of the goods that they buy. ---Adweek We Empower Consumers to Make The Choice

Launch Whole Home stores Strategy 1 Reach out eco-friendly people Strategy 11 Target people who pay attention to home decor/design Tactic 1 Generate relevance to environmental issue (Hurricane Katrina) Tactic 11 Whole Food in-store display Tactic 1 Articles/Print ads on home magazine (Idea Home, Home and Design) Tactic 11 Furniture exhibition

New York San Seattle Portland Los

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Disc ussion Guide - Mom Õ s Culture Section I: Introduction Z Purpose: To establish background and contextual information. Placing the moms in their natural habitats. Getting information so we can place the mothers into their own mom subculture. Exercise: Word Association ! What are your names? ! Where are you originally from? ! What is your current martial status? ! How many children do you have and what are their ages? ! What do you do for a living? ( Working /Stay - at - home) ! What is your educational background? ---- WORD ASSOCIATION ---- Section II: Social Circles Purpose: To identify how mothers associate with and commonalities among the groups. ! Tell us about the people that you have contact with on a weekly basis. ! Which group do you associate most with and why? ! What kinds of pressure do you receive from others to act a certain way or do certain things? ! What do you like to do with your friends? ! Who do you get advice from? ! What kind of advice do you typically seek ? Section III: A Day in the Life Purpose: To see how mothers raise their children and what activities she does with (or without) her family. Stimuli: ÒMotherhood Is...Ó ! How do you interact with your kids? ! Describe dinnertime at your house. ! Describe a typical weekday morning in your house. ! Which extracurricular activities are your children involved in? ! How has your parenting style changed as your children grew older? ! What is ÒmeÓ time? How do you indulge or pamper yourself? ---- MOTHERHOOD IS... ---- Section IV: Values and Beliefs Purpose: To understand mothersÕ values and beliefs of parenting . Stimuli: ÒÒWant AdÓ ! What is one thing you would like to work on as a mother? ! What do you hold most important in raising your child? ! How do you discipline your children? ---- WANT AD ---- ! If you could change one thing about the way your child is being/has been raised, what would it be? ! What values do you hold that you want your child to have as well? Wrap - up Based on tonightÕs discussion, take five minutes to jot down different groups of moms. WeÕll discuss them.