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Published Sep 19, 2013 in
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MyNetworkOne Introduces The Perfect Home Based Business1888 Press Release - MyNetworkOne is a new Home Based Business Opportunity that offers an innovative yet simple turnkey system that makes it easy to save money and make money online by sharing with others.Rod Wortham, Founder and CEO, introduced MyNetworkOne as the perfect Home Based Business. He described it as 'The Everybody Wins Network'.Wortham states "We wanted to create a business around 3 simple steps. Giving away our product for FREE, helping people save money on things they were already going to buy and making it easy to share the savings and the business opportunity through the use of technology."This is a Home Based Business everyone can do, because it has a product that everyone would want. Who do you know that wants to save money? Everyone right! This business can be worked full time or part-time and literally can be done from anywhere. There is no inventory to purchase no monthly quotas. One of the goals was to create more family time so the business can be worked individually or by the entire family. The company has also entered the Mobile Market Place with apps for iPhone, Android and Black Berry for consumers on the go.
Product Highlights:MyNetworkOne offers instant access to thousands of Daily Deals all delivered visually through a FREE Interactive Homepage or Mobile Apps. Thousands of Daily Deals from the top sites like Groupon, Living Social, Crowd Savings and Deal Radar (just to name a few of more than 64 MNO Partners) are delivered for you to your customers automatically every day.Customers can search locally or nationally or search from the product categories on literally anything that they are already going to buy! Then they save big on deals with deep discounts from 50% to 85% off retail prices.Plus the My BDF "Best Deal Finder" instantly finds the best deals online and locally no matter what you are searching for. The MyNetworkOne mission is to save the average household over $200 a month on things they were going to buy anyway.Why MyNetworkOne Will Be a Success:It's simple everyone wants to save money and because they never ask anyone to buy anything extra only to save on the things they were already going to buy. MyNetworkOne gives you the opportunity to save money and then the ability to make money when others purchase from the FREE Homepage or Mobile Apps their Agent gave away for free. When these FREE users experience the monthly savings they will want to share with their friends, family and co-workers and increase the Agents revenue streams through viral distribution. As consumers we all help build companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google and a host of others but we didn't get paid. At MyNetworkOne we are changing all of the rules" says Wortham
In addition, you can build a team of Agents and build a monthly residual income just for sharing the opportunity with others. You can start your very own MNO Online Business for a one time set up fee of $169 and a low monthly overhead of $34.95. MyNetworkOne's secret is they create income for their Agent from people that choose not to become Agents but are interested in using their FREE technology to save money.MyNetworkOne also offers a Small Business Marketing System through its Agents. "Many small business are looking for new ways to gain exposure but not sure where to start. We can help with that" says Wortham.MyNetworkOne is all about giving back to the community and has developed a low cost Fundraising Program. "We believe it's time that technology changes the way we raise funds for local groups and organizations" says Wortham "A Fundraising program that runs 24/7 and doesn't require selling over priced products but actually helps your supporters save money on things they were already going to buy…we call it Value Fundraising. It's 2013 and we have a better way"The MNO Turnkey System:The company provides training and support to their Agents through an advanced back office with a contact database system. With this system, you can easily manage your leads, track sales, run reports and manage your business.In addition, you get a complete marketing system with pre-written emails, capture pages, videos; personalize blog posts for promoting the opportunity via Social Media and more.
The click and Share System allows you to share deals to places like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Pinterst just to name a few. "We wanted to make things easy and quick. Find a deal you want to share, simply click on the medium, select the deal and the system does the work for you" says Wortham. With over 4000 new deals daily there is something for everyone.Starting October 1st MyNetworkOne launches the MNO Online Network a Bi-Weekly live Webinar/Seminar to assist it's Agents in sharing the business opportunity. Visit this link to register for the upcoming Oct. 1st event http://corp.MyNetworkOne.me/live.htmlFor More Information on MyNetworkOne: Meet Charlie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QukAz55zc0QHow It Works: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqWxyVkNGxwBest Deal Finder: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hq72idp5Wx8Phone: 727-807-3359 Email: Support ( @ ) Mynetworkone dot comhttp://www.mynetworkone.com
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