by dscar

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MMM 12StepsUsingAdWords.pptx

Published Apr 23, 2013 in Business & Management
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MMM 12StepsUsingAdWords.pptx... Read more

Getting on the front page of Google and building your business fast with Google Adwords

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Presentation Slides & Transcript

Presentation Slides & Transcript

First, a few words about PPC…

PPC – What is it?
Targeted advertising
Ex: Google Adwords, Microsoft Ads, Yahoo PPC

PPC Stats – It’s Relevant
In 2012, Google’s revenue topped $50 BILLION, 96% of which came from advertising
StateFarm, Amazon, Lowe’s, and University of Phoenix each spent over $43 Million on PPC in 2011
Finance and Insurance industries pay the most per click - topping out at $43 per click for industry keywords – and it’s worth it!

Source: googles earnings report

PPC – Why is it so great?
Ads appear near relevant search results
You only pay when someone clicks
Businesses make an average of $2 in revenue for every $1 they spend

Source: Google Economic Impact Report

Why AdWords?
AdWords works and is a cost effective source for medical practice referrals
Levels the playing field
You show up on the 1st page of Google even if you’re not in the organic listings
Massive reach
Can have 100’s even 1000’s of targeted Keywords
You have total control

How does AdWords work?
You create ads and bids
Ads appear based on specific keyword searches in Google
Searchers that click are taken to a
page of your choice (landing page)
You are billed once a month

To use AdWords successfully
Be strategic
Go deep, not wide
Offer value, give a reason to click
Measure everything and adjust
Play by the rules!

Google Quality Score

12 Steps to Growing Your Business Fast Using AdWords!

1. Have a clear goal
The sale of a product?
Sign up for consultation
A new referral?
Build brand awareness?

2. Research your competition
What are they advertising?
What seems to be working?
How can you differentiate your ads?

3. Do keyword research
To really understand what people are looking for
To learn what language they are using
To find out where the competition is

4. Choose your destination
Decide where you are going to send them
Make sure it is consistent with the ad message
Design it for conversion – call to action

Ad above is about teeth whitening and sends potential patient to teeth whitening landing page to the right.

Landing page also has contact us call to action at bottom.

5. Create an ad that will convert
Find your successful competitor’s ads
Copy what they’re doing
Differentiate your services to stand out

5. Create your AdWords advert
Two lines of descriptive text

6. Add a local feel to your ads
Can add a ton to your ROI
Use localisms: “Wicked Smaht” in Boston
Use a local phone number
Display your address – use directions

7. Bid for a smart Ad position
Being first may not be best
First position gets a lot of junk clicks
Higher positions cost more
Position 3 or 4 is usually optimal

8. Go deep, not wide
Find the few keyword phrases that get the best results and focus
Be the “King of the Hill”
Saves time managing your campaigns

9. Measure your results
Use call tracking
Use Google Analytics on all pages
Connect to your sales process
Track all the way through to ROI

10. Focus on ROI, not PPC Costs
You may have to pay $135-250 per lead
But one out of 10 turns into $100K+ in business!
Don’t be penny-wise and pound foolish

11. Try remarketing
“Follow” your target audience
Show ads to users who’ve previously visited your website
Your ads appear on major sites that they visit
Keeps your brand top of mind
Improves ROI by as much as 25%

12. Always split-test!
The beauty of online marketing!
Constantly improve your ads
Test the most important factors first
Stop when you see gains of 10% or less


Create a test budget
Split test everything
Test different bidding strategies
Test different keyword strategies

Don’t go down the rabbit hole
Don’t get too clever
Focus on the
Narrow your focus
Always split test
Monitor often

Don’t take them right to the sale
Offer value
Offer intriguing information – great content
Give them a reason to set a free consultation, opt-in for your free report, or give you a call

Overwhelmed? We Understand and We Can Help.

We’ve Got Answers
Contact Us Today At
(480) 469-5609